VFS Shell binary distribution

The binary distribution of the VFS Shell contains everything you need to start using the shell; it includes all the VFS Shell libraries but also all VFS core and sandbox libraries.

You can add your own VFS Plugin libraries easily and keep them separated from the main installation.

The distribution contains the following folder structure:

 bin               : start-up scripts
 common            : default libraries, scripts and configuration files
    classes        : log4j properties
    lib            : all libraries
    scripts        : default vfsshell scripts
 local             : put your own libraries, scripts and configuration files here
    classes        : classes or configuration files
    examples       : some example scripts
    lib            : libraries
    scripts        : scripts 

JLine integration is activated by default. If you don't want to use JLine you can change the startup script and start with org.vfsutils.shell.Shell.